Status: Critically Endangered

Did You Know: It is estimated that there are fewer than 100 adults in the wild.

Fun Fact: There are over a million Axolotls being taken care of as pets.

Providing the right care is essential to keeping your axolotl happy and healthy. From tank setup and water conditions to diet and health monitoring, this page covers everything you need to know about axolotl care. Whether you’re a new owner or looking to improve your setup, explore our guides, checklists, and recommendations to ensure your axolotl thrives. Need help with specific care topics? Check out our FAQs or browse our recommended products!

Facts & Fun about Axolotls

Facts & Fun about Axolotls

Axolotl Care FAQs

Axolotl Care FAQs

What size tank does an axolotl need?

A single axolotl needs at least a 20-gallon tank, but larger is always better.

Do axolotls need a water filter?

Yes, but it should have low flow to avoid stressing them. Sponge filters or adjustable filters with baffles work best.

What temperature should the water be?

Axolotls thrive in 60-68°F (16-20°C) water. Anything above 72°F (22°C) can cause stress and health issues. It is more common to have a chiller or fan. A tank heater is rarely needed for axolotl tanks. It is highly recommended to have a thermometer for your tank.

What about my axolotl's food?

Axolotls eat pellets, earthworms, frozen bloodworms, and small feeder fish (from a safe source). Juveniles should be fed once a day, while adults can be fed every 2-3 days.

Can axolotls live with other animals?

It's not recommended. Other fish may nip at their gills, and axolotls may try to eat smaller tankmates.

How often should I clean the tank?

Do weekly water changes of 20-30% and remove uneaten food daily.

What kind of lighting do axolotls need?

Axolotls don’t need special lighting. If using lights, provide plenty of hiding spots to reduce stress.

Can axolotls breathe air?

Yes! They have both gills and lungs, so they occasionally come up for air.

Do axolotls need decorations in their tank?

Yes! Hides, caves, and plants help them feel safe. Avoid sharp decorations that can injure them.

Why is my axolotl floating?

Floating can be a sign of gas buildup, stress, or illness. If your axolotl is struggling to sink, check water quality and food.

Do axolotls need regular medical visits?

While they’re hardy, axolotls can require a vet if they’re severely ill or injured. For reference, research exotic pet vets in your area, ASAP.

Supply Links

Supply Links

Welcome to our recommended products page for axolotl care! We know that finding the right supplies for your pet can be overwhelming, so we've curated a list of essential items along with convenient links. This selection includes must-have axolotl care products, as well as filtration and enrichment options to help create the perfect habitat. If you have any questions about these products, feel free to reach out—we’re happy to help!

Simplest of all filters and works great. Perfect for your axolotl tank.

This water conditioner is the most widely recommended for axolotls, especially due to being known to contain no additives harmful to them.

An ammonia source (either liquid or powder) is required to cycle an aquarium before your aquatic pet can be safely put into it.

CaribSea Super Naturals Sand is one of the smallest-grained sands currently on the market, which means it poses the least impaction risk for your axolotl..

A temperature gun is another way to monitor the temperature of your aquarium, and may be more accurate than digital thermometers.

This battery powered digital thermometer is great for monitoring your fish tank's temperature.

Freshwater or saltwater aquarium test kit. This kit tests for ammonia (NH₂).

Freshwater or saltwater aquarium test kit. This kit tests for ammonia (NH₂), nitrite (NO₂), nitrate (NO₃), and pH.

The Hygger hose serves the same function as the Python hose.

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